Mahesh Typing Tutor

Unicode vs Non-unicode Fonts

Unicode font vs Non-Unicode font

Hindi is a most commonly spoken language in India and several other countries. There are a variety of Hindi fonts available that you can download from here and install it on your system. But wait a minute, take your time in studying about two types of coding behind Hindi fonts and use accordingly. Unicode and Non-unicode Fonts, defined below:

Unicode Hindi Fonts

Unicode is a character encoding standard that assigns a unique number to every character and symbol across all languages and scripts. Unicode fonts are designed to be compatible with Unicode standard, which allows users to type and display text in multiple languages using a single font.

With Unicode fonts, you can write and display text in several languages, including English, Hindi, Chinese, Arabic, and many more. This makes it easier for users to communicate and share information across different regions and languages using a single font. In addition, Unicode fonts are widely used for creating documents, designing graphics, and for various other purposes that involve working with multiple languages.

Non-unicode Hindi Fonts

Non-Unicode fonts are fonts that do not follow the Unicode standard for character encoding. They use their own proprietary encoding system to assign a unique number to every character and symbol.

Non-Unicode fonts are generally designed for specific languages or scripts, which means they may not be compatible with other languages or scripts. For example, a non-Unicode font designed for Hindi may not be able to display characters from other languages, such as English or Arabic.

Non-Unicode fonts can still be used for creating documents and designing graphics, but they are not as flexible as Unicode fonts. Additionally, since they are not standardized, they may not be compatible with all devices and software applications.